X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
iPhone Application Development for Newbies
I started to title this short introduction, "iPhone Application Development for Dummies," but you certainly can't be dumb when deciding to learn application programming, even …(read more)
Learning Automator and AppleScript
Over the last few years, I've written about Apple Automator hacks designed to automate computer tasks and get things done faster. Automator is probably the …(read more)
Browsing Faster with Flock
Safari has always been my browser of choice. It's ease of use and speed has kept me coming back to it even after making Firefox …(read more)
Amazon Brings “Kindle” to the iPhone
Back in November, I wrote an article about an iPhone/iPod touch application called Stanza. I called this app, Amazon's free Kindle. Well, right before going …(read more)
Better Photography in 365 Days
Every year, digital cameras are more affordable, with features designed for anyone to pick up a camera and start shooting. They don't call them point-and-shoots …(read more)
iPhoto’s Flickr and Facebook Export Feature
If you're a regular Flickr.com or Facebook.com user, you no doubt use some sort of uploading client to post your photos to your account. The …(read more)
Making Adjustments in iPhoto ‘09
Last week's column on iPhoto '09's Faces has gotten a good amount of critical and well deserved feedback about the tool. I'm pretty sure that Apple …(read more)
Does iPhoto’s Faces Work?
After purchasing Apple's new iLife '09 suite of software, the first feature I wanted to explore is iPhoto's Faces. It has been one of the …(read more)
Review: MacSpeech Dictate
If the writing in this article seems a little stilted, it is because I'm trying to write it using a program called MacSpeech Dictate. At …(read more)
Things: A Task Manager That Understands Humans
What do you get if you take the principles of David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) and humanize it? Cultured Code's to do list manager, …(read more)
GrandTotal for Your Invoicing Needs
Most freelancers and small business owners no doubt dread the tasks of keeping up with financial matters. It's great to get paid, but the hoops …(read more)
LittleSnapper Is a Problem Solver
Every since Realmac Software notified me several months ago about the beta version of their latest software, LittleSnapper, I've been eagerly awaiting it because I could instantly see …(read more)