X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Renaming Files and Folders the Automator Way
One the neat things about the little talked about Apple program, Automator, is that it's the software development program for the rest of us. Let's …(read more)
11 Top Free Apps for your iPod Touch
I'm not going to be in line as planned for the new iPhone because at this point I don't think it's worth paying an extra …(read more)
A Great Podcast For Military History Fans
Periodically I find a podcast that stands out amidst the sea of mediocracy and when that happens I just have to share my discovery. Today's …(read more)
Tracking Your Time with Slife
I've always struggled to account for the time I spend on both personal and client projects. It's usually been a guessing game because I'm simply …(read more)
Emacs Commands Work in OS X, How Awesome is That?
In the beginning, there was Assembly, and from it flowed many programs. And the programmers of the day looked upon what they had wrought and …(read more)
The iPhone 3G Guided Tour Under a Microscope
Furthering a trend that has been going on for well over a year now, Apple released the iPhone 3G Guided Tour to give us …(read more)
10 Ways Professional Photographers Can Use the iPhone
Alright, I admit upfront that this article partly at an attempt to convince myself that I should replace my iPod Touch with the new iPhone …(read more)
My Experience With Amazon’s MP3 Download Service
First let me say that I went into this review not hoping for much and was instead pleasantly surprised. So, before I go on, let …(read more)
Viveza for Aperture 2.1
With the 2.0 update of Apple's professional image management and adjustment program, Aperture, developers can take advantage of its new much requested and plug-in …(read more)
Use TextExpander to Launch Applications and More
Like many other Mac users, I use QuickSilver, Spotlight, and sometimes the little buggy, mouse-drive controlled launcher, Sapiens, to launch applications, websites, folders, and documents. …(read more)
Essentials 2 for Apple iPhoto
There is little argument that Apple's premiere image editing program, iPhoto '08 is powerfully useful effective Mac users and serious amateur photographers. Apple has built …(read more)
Build a video playing screen saver with Quartz Composer
If you're wondering what Quartz Composer is it turns out it is a node based visual programming language introduced way back when Tiger came out. …(read more)