X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
TiVo for the Internet Radio
In a fairly recent column, 10 Ways to Stay Within an iTunes Store Budget, I suggested using Internet music sharing sites to listen to and …(read more)
Aperture and sRAW: What’s the Problem, Apple?
The Canon 50D digital camera includes three RAW formats, including the standard 15 (4752x3168) megapixel size, and two smaller sizes: the sRAW1 7 (3267 x …(read more)
Geotagging Your Photos with GeoLogTag
As many of you may know, iPhoto '09 includes a feature to capture and display geotagged photos. The photo sharing site Flickr.com does the same …(read more)
MacBook Pro 13 Inch: First Observations and Experiences
One of the most exciting moments in any nerd's life is getting a new computer. For Mac nerds, being as passionate as we are, that …(read more)
Instapaper Gets 2.0 Update
Back in April, I listed Instapaper as one my top 10 iPhone/iPod touch apps. This easy to use program has literally kept me from printing …(read more)
iTalk vs. Voice Memo
All of us iPhone and iPod touch users are without doubt elated by this week's 3.0 operating system update for both devices. I for one …(read more)
Run Windows on Your Mac For Free With VirtualBox
How much would you pay to use Windows? Yes, I know, you'd have to be paid to use it. But the next best thing is …(read more)
Review: Infrant NAS NV+
With increasing storage demands households are becoming like mini-network centers. We have high-speed internet coming in over ethernet cables. Multiple-computers working off a wireless network. …(read more)
6 Ways to Get On Board with Twitter
I signed onto Twitter over a year ago, maybe longer. But it's only in the last few weeks that I've started getting on board with …(read more)
Photo Slideshow Applications for the iPhone
Whether for business or personal purposes, your iPhone or iPod touch is a useful tool for showing off photos, but the default slideshow feature for …(read more)
Top 10 One Minute or Less iPhone Apps
In a recent short post on iPhonematters.com, writer Chris Howard asks, "Where does the iPhone rate in your technology hierarchy?" His question got me to …(read more)
Spend: A Personal Budget App for the iPhone
During these financial hard times, most of us need to watch every dollar we spend, especially when we consider our addictive Apple gadget, hardware and …(read more)