X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Portable Audio-listening Heaven, Part 1: A Review of Shure’s E3c Sound Isolating Earphones
We were all blissfully unaware of how good portable music could be back in the pre-iPod days. A few of us were fooled into thinking …(read more)
Making Something Great even Better! Four Useful iMovie Additions
In 1999 I was a happy owner of a beige 233 G3. As far as I was concerned it was a perfectly serviceable machine, able …(read more)
Tattoo your iPod
$15 for 10 HP Printable Tattoos for the iPod is a waste of money, you say? As with most things that are cool, you are …(read more)
Review: BZFlag
We are now in that state of limbo between Thanksgiving and Christmas where despite best intentions, no one at work really concentrates on anything. Because …(read more)
Mac Your Wedding
A little over a week ago, I was married. The wedding was a very nice affair, and during the two years of planning that went …(read more)
Toy Sight
I love my iSight. But unfortunately there just aren’t enough of my iChat buddies that have one. So instead of looking at myself all day …(read more)
Chess on a Mac
I love playing chess. They say it is the game of Kings and Queens and guillotinesÑ:No, wait… That’s an Aerosmith song. Anyway, my problem: I’m …(read more)
Tigerize Panther
I’m going to quickly run you through some online freeware / shareware / donationware, that you can load up on your current Mac running Panther …(read more)
tunesatwork: Nice Idea, Too Bad It Doesn’t Work
One of the things I miss in iTunes, a feature that was there for about a week, was the ability to listen to my music …(read more)
Review: Primera’s Bravo Disc Publisher
The term “burning a CD” has now rooted itself into the lexicon of computer users everywhere. (Remember when it was just “save to disc?”) CD …(read more)
Review: iSport, Run With Your iPod
Anytime you have a product that is portable, you have the desire to use it while exercising. The iPod is no exception. With a built-in …(read more)
Review: A Look At The TransPod iPod Car Adapter
It has always been the problem that needed a solution. How could iPod users utilize their handheld jukeboxes while in their car. How can iPod …(read more)