X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Review: Speck Product iPod Cases
Speck Products: Protection For Mobile Devices. Now there’s a by-line to catch my eye! I’m a big ‘protect my electronics’ nut and am very susceptible …(read more)
A Beginner’s Guide to Fixing OS X
When using OS X, especially to do intensive tasks like video editing, problems may arise. Sometimes they are simple to fix and sometimes they require …(read more)
Review: Ultimate Ears super.fi 3 Studio™ Earphones
From the outset, Ultimate Ears’ super.fi 3 Studio™ earphones are impressive. It’s hard to believe that these are $99 earphones. Their sound is exquisite, clean …(read more)
Customizing OS X—Part 2: Themes
Many of you will have read my previous article on customizing OS X’s icons using an application called CandyBar and I did, of course, promise …(read more)
Review: AppleCare DIY iPod Service
I recently had “an issue” with my Video iPod. I bought one of the first available from my local Canadian Big Box Reseller, the day …(read more)
Finding Cross Platform Software for Mac OS X and Windows
Lately I’ve been writing about Apple increasing it’s market-share. But there’s one hitch to that. Software familiarity. One of the challenges of switching is getting …(read more)
Review: NewerTech MiniStack v2 External Hard Drive and Hub
Just like the iPod, the Mac Mini supports its own (smaller) industry of accessories. Since they are both small devices, but clearly extensible, many companies …(read more)
Customizing OS X - Part 1: Icons
If you take a search around the internet, you’ll quickly find that customizing your operating system is a pretty big deal, well, for some at …(read more)
Foxtrot: A Better Search Engine for OS X
Spotlight is useful. My first ever article for Apple Matters, a bit over a year ago, was all about Spotlight. And now, a year on, …(read more)
Review: Xtrememac’s FS1 High Definition Earphones
In the world of iPods, the ears truly are the windows to the soul. Point of reference, replacement ear buds from Apple cost about twenty …(read more)
11 Easy Steps to BootCamp
For people who don’t read manuals Step One: Get IntelMac computer. Make sure you’re at Mac OS X Tiger v10.4.6. Update your IntelMac’s firmware. Step …(read more)
iSquint Your iPod Video
Since Apple introduced iPod with video last year, novice users up and down the technology world have struggled to understand how to convert their own …(read more)